
Showing posts from October, 2018


 I cant believe that the second quarter has been done. Time passed by so fast and more knowledge have been discovered.  The focus of the second quarter us about internet access and in HTML or Hypertext Mark-up Language. Under internet access are the individual terminals, computer devices, and the LAN or Local Area Network that were connected on the global internet. And the different local are network, broadband access and parts of the web browser. The next part that is very challenging is on the HTML or Hypertext Mark-up Language. In this topic, we are given exercises on how the tags are used correctly and properly.    As we go on, more challenges are given to us. One of the challenges we faced was on the tags that we are using on the exercises. With proper typing of tags and carefulness, we were able to make and finish our exercises.     Moving on, ill try to be more attentive in class and come early at school so that I will understand the topics very...
"COMING TOGETHER WITH THOSE FURTHEST BEHIND BUILD AN INCLUSIVE WORLD                                          OF UNIVERSAL RIGHTS AND DIGNITY"    Each year, we are celebrating the UN or the United Nations. This occasion is one of the important events of the year because it commemorates the nations that joined together as one to build up a strong foundation.    Universal rights, this recognises the inherent dignity of all members of human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in all over the world.  All human beings are born with free and equal in dignity and rights. We are endowed with reason and conscience so we should act towards one another with the spirit of brotherhood.   These are some of the things that we should have in order to achieve the oneness and the progress or betterment as a human and to our environment.   ...
"GURONG PILIPINO: TURO MO, KINABUKASAN KO"     In recognition to of teachers tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to service, we are celebrating the world teacher's day each year held on the month of October.     The role of teachers in everyone's life is great as they are the ones who give us visual source of knowledge. Teachers help us to improve our skill level and confidence as well  as well as they shape us in the right shape to get success. But behind these things, we too as students have responsibilities for our teachers. We all know that the population of the students are increasing so we should be more polite and obedient and just of these little things, we can simply give back.   It is really important to give our respect to our teachers not only because they help us in making better persons but also for taking care of us just like parents.


    We all know that the celebration of the Science Month is held every September of the year. "Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements", is the year's science month theme. And theme itself, tells people especially the teens that we need to participate and engage in the activities that can help or contribute into making our environment better.    Michael Faraday's discovery about electricity and magnetism or electromagnetism also plays an important role or the cornerstone that has brought different significant charges not only on the world but also to the lives of many people. Electromagnetism is much useful for us due to its help in every technological and scientific applications in our everyday life that includes our electrical appliances, generator and even motors. As an addtion, electromagnetism is also the reason why our gadgets and different communication devices were upgraded and gave us more organized and better communicati...