I cant believe that the second quarter has been done. Time passed by so fast and more knowledge have been discovered. The focus of the second quarter us about internet access and in HTML or Hypertext Mark-up Language. Under internet access are the individual terminals, computer devices, and the LAN or Local Area Network that were connected on the global internet. And the different local are network, broadband access and parts of the web browser. The next part that is very challenging is on the HTML or Hypertext Mark-up Language. In this topic, we are given exercises on how the tags are used correctly and properly. As we go on, more challenges are given to us. One of the challenges we faced was on the tags that we are using on the exercises. With proper typing of tags and carefulness, we were able to make and finish our exercises. Moving on, ill try to be more attentive in class and come early at school so that I will understand the topics very...